The Truth You Need to Know From The Experts - Revolution Pipe Relining
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The Truth You Need to Know From The Experts

  1. Just as you want to seek advice from medical experts, it’s also better to learn from those who breathe it when it comes to plumbing. I’m talking about the drain relining professionals like ourselves. Sometimes, there’s more to plumbing than you think it is, and only the professionals know it all. Here we’ll give you the real scoop about some of the plumbing habits you might be doing but are slowly killing your drains. Brace yourself as we reveal them to you!
  • The Truth You Need to Know From The Experts

  1. Thrusting your plunger real hard can crack your toilet
  3. Toilet clogs can drive anyone nuts. It’s a nasty job, especially in the hope to get your toilet bowl cleared right away you got a splash on you. It’s normal to feel the urgency to get rid of a clog, but during this time, you can also get careless with how you handle the situation. Don’t thrust the toilet so hard, no matter the urgency. A forced and rapid thrust downward with the plunger can break sealant between the toilet bowl and the floor and can ultimately lead to costly major repairs. In the worst case, it could even crack the bowl. 
  5. In addition, also use the correct plunger for the job so you will get a good suction as you’re working your way to clear the bowl. If your pushing seems to be coming out the side of the cup rather than into the hole, there’s no way you’d be able to break up or dislodge a clog. This will only increase the tendencies that you’d be pushing the toilet harder.
  7. Unless you don’t mind spending on a new toilet and installing it, use the right plunger and apply only enough pressure until you see it slowly draining.
  9. Drain cleaners will only eat through your pipes
  11. Hopefully, the chemical you pour will dissolve the clog and keep moving into the main sewer system, but this is not the case. When you run these caustic drain cleaners down your drain to reach the clog, it eats away everything it gets in contact with including your pipe. If a chemical drain cleaner becomes lodged on the weak area of the pipe, it will continue to eat it away, causing even further damage. The corrosive chemicals don’t just work through the blockage; they can also damage sealants. It’s even worse when you have aging plumbings. If the old metal pipes already have cavities and corrosion, if the chemical drain gets stuck in an area where water cannot easily flush it out, it will continue to eat it away—causing further corrosion. Before you give this chemical drain cleaner a shot, give it a second thought. Consider some hidden dangers and potential damage first, or better yet, leave clearing of clogs to the drain experts, the drain relining companies.
  13. Garbage disposals cannot break down all food scraps
  15. Garbage disposals make great additions to kitchen plumbing. It breaks down food scrap to pieces, enough for it to travel down the sewer without a problem. But, this is also the same reason homeowners are likely to treat this equipment like a workhorse and throw wrong things down; this makes crushing more difficult and results in jammed disposal. Just as your toilet drain can only manage limited items, so is your garbage disposal. Jammed disposal may sometimes be easy to fix, but when this occurs frequently, this can burn out the motor, and you could be cutting short its lifespan to only a few years or even months. Without working disposal, you’re more inclined to have clogs in your kitchen sinks. 
  17. So, to keep your sink drains in the best shape, keep off starchy foods, including pasta, fibrous foods, peels, eggshells, meat bones, solvents, and other non-liquid foods from the garbage disposal. They don’t get broken down into small bits but only get caught with other waste forming an unnecessary clog on their way down the sewer line.
  19. Not all soap is drain-friendly
  21. Solid soaps like the classic, old-fashioned bar soap and soap bombs don’t make good friends with drain. Bar soaps produce scum that can accumulate on the walls of pipes over time, while bath bombs have particles like glitters and coffee grounds that can cause immediate blockage to drains. Unfortunately, scum and some bath bomb particles don’t dissolve with water but only get stuck, combined with the existing buildup to form thicker coats. We’re not stressing that you stop using bar soaps or bath bombs, but if you switch to liquid soap, you’d be surprised by the difference in how your drains run.
  23. DIY fixes are not a fix at all
  25. Who doesn’t want to clear a blocked drain on a budget? But, no matter how you think you can handle the job or want to save on cost, never attempt to do it yourself. There’s more to plumbing than what your eyes can see, and if you fix it incorrectly, instead of saving on the repair cost, the problem will turn into more time wasted and further repair ordeal. Keep in mind that one wrong move can affect your entire plumbing system, and an inappropriate repair method can damage not only the drain line but also your home. Call the drain relining Sydney professionals instead if you can’t safely manage to clear a clog yourself.
  27. Holding off plumbing repair can produce a chain of issues
  29. It’s easy to ignore a minor plumbing problem that’s not causing severe inconvenience at the moment. But unfortunately, just one neglect will result in a chain of issues. A seemingly simple clog can lead to a significant sewer blockage. Sewer blockage can turn into a burst pipe situation. If a pipe under flooring has burst, your home will need to be gutted to make it livable again. If it’s a pipe behind your walls, moisture will develop, leading to repainting or renovation jobs.
  31. If this is what simple ignoring problems look like in your home, why hold off drain repair anyway? If you feel you don’t have time to wait for a simple problem to be fixed, how much more if the situation will turn into a full-blown renovation job in your home.

Other Truth You Need to Know

The only thing that feels worse than being in a bad plumbing situation is realizing that you could’ve avoided it, but you weren’t because you were not willing to apply what you’ve learned. Keep in mind that how you use your plumbing can make or break it. If you’re concerned you have been mucking up your drains for a long time, don’t wait any further before calling Revolution Pipe Relining. Our drain relining cost can become a bit steep when you wait until the problem gets worse, and fixing the pipe will require longer work hours.


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