Products we use - Revolution Pipe Relining
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Our Guarantee is very simple…

All products are purchased from RSM LINING SUPPLIES, they are one of the largest Pipe Relining Supply companies in the world and are based in Australia, The UK, USA & Canada.

RSM are industry experts and only source the highest quality products available in the world.

RSM supply Revolution Pipe Relining Pty Ltd with many different products to suit various applications for each customer’s requirement in the CIPP industry. We don’t use a ‘one brand that fits all’ Band-Aid solution. Every job is unique, which is why each job needs to be thoroughly inspected before deciding which liner or fibreglass and resin will be used on each job.


RSM Lining Supplies products are sourced from Europe and the USA.

Liner and fibreglass comes from the best and largest manufacturers in the world based in either Germany, The UK or USA.

Resin comes from the most highly regarded suppliers in Germany, France & The UK.

Some of these brands have been around since the 70’s, so you can rest assured that the products are tested and proven. Which is what allows us to confidently offer a life time guarantee.

Why are some resin brands different colours?

There is a lot of confusion and industry lies about different resin colours. I encourage you to do your own research instead of believing what one company or the other tells you, as many companies will tell you anything just to try and win a job.

Resins come in various colours, the colour is solely used for branding.  This has no impact on the quality and does not determine the location it was made. Infact 99.9% of pipe relining resins are of European Origin, mainly manufactured in France, Germany and The UK.

They come in Blue, Orange, Red, Green, White, Black & Yellow just to name a few.

For Inversion Pipe Relining we generally use BLUE MAGIC, we source this from RSM, however the product is made in France by the largest resin manufacturer in the world.


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