Blocked Drain Sydney – Blocked Sewer Drain Repair
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FIRST-RATE Blocked Drain Services Sydney

Time for a serious question...

Does your Sydney based plumber ever offer you a permanent solution for your blocked drain? In many cases the answer is no. This is because of 2 reasons:

1. They enjoy having you as a regular ongoing customer which guarantees them water jetting your blocked stormwater or sewer drain for $300+ every year.
2. Or they don’t have the equipment or team to offer a permanent solution which is pipe replacement or Inversion Pipe Relining.

Here at Revolution Pipe Relining we cover all bases. We can certainly clear your blocked drain in Sydney at your home or business and we are happy to keep doing that if you don’t want a permanent solution. HOWEVER, where we are different is we will film your pipeline with a CCTV drain camera, record a video and show it to you so you can clearly see why you have a blocked sewer or stormwater drain. We will then provide you with a no-obligation permanent solution plan to fix your drains forever, or if if the cost of a permanent solution (replacing or relining the pipes) is not in your budget, we can offer an option to slow the problem down with a service called root foaming. This is a completely free service for Sydney based customers and you are under no-obligation to proceed. If you prefer us to just clear your drain whenever it blocks up we can do that. But at least you now no the price and solutions to take away this pain forever. Give us a call next time you have a blocked drain.

Why are my pipes blocked?

95% of the time when you have a blocked toilet the problem is not actually within the toilet, it is generally further down the pipeline. In most cases there will be a crack, separation or breakage in the drains below the ground where tree roots are entering the pipeline. This is a continuous supply of water and nutrients for the trees so the roots will continue to grow longer and thicker into the sewer or stormwater drains, this will eventually cause a blockage. Each time this problem is fixed by a blocked drain plumber with a water jetter or electric eel the roots will grow back faster and thicker, just like if you cut a branch off a plant, generally 2 will grow back. This is why we always offer our customers a permanent solution plan if the pipes have tree root intrusion, as they will 100% be back to clog your pipes again.

How will we fix your blocked drain in Sydney?

Blocked Sewer

This is normally an easier and faster process than fixing a blocked stormwater drain. Because in most cases the sewer is being used every day, so the blockage is discovered quickly and a plumber is called straight away.



Inspect the property and find or create an access point to the pipeline so we can insert a Water Jetter or Electric Eel into the drain to clear the blocked sewer pipe.


High Pressure

Send a high pressure water jetter down the sewer pipe with a small bullet head to punch a hole through the blockages which will release the water.



Thoroughly camera the blocked drain to clearly see where all the tree root / toilet paper blockages are.


Cut away

Send the TURBO head down the pipeline and work our magic to cut away all of the tree roots. We will thoroughly work each point that was marked as blocked on our camera.


Camera Again

Camera the line again to ensure all of the tree roots are removed and the job was done properly.



Send you a before and after video of the cleared drain and a permanent solution plan to fix this problem forever.

Blocked Stormwater

A blocked Stormwater is a whole different kettle of fish. Reason being as this can go unnoticed for years! The only time it’s possible for you to notice this issue is when it’s raining and at this time you are normally inside and oblivious that your stormwater drains are overflowing until it’s too late and your house (or your neighbors) has flooded.



Thoroughly inspect the property and check all locations that could be blocked including the outlet to the street, downpipes, gutters etc. Now find the best access point/s.


High Pressure

With a high pressure water jetter, send a small bullet nozzle into the line to punch a small hole through the roots, dirt and leaves.



Insert our CCTV Drain Camera into the stormwater line to find the problem/s.


Cut away

Now use larger nozzles on our high pressure water jetter and thoroughly work the entire line to remove all silt and tree roots.


Camera Again

Inspect line again with our drain camera to ensure the job is done properly.



Email you a video of the cleared drain and also provide a permanent solution plan to fix this problem forever.

Our process is different to normal plumbers!

Most plumbers in Sydney don’t clear drains properly, they are actually completely guessing as they do not camera their work. We take away the guessing game and thoroughly film the drain throughout the jet blasting process until the drain is clear and flowing as fast as possible. Then to give you full confidence in our workmanship and so you know we have done the job properly, we send you the footage and details on why your drain is blocking.


This free guide teaches you 7 ALARMING tricks plumbing companies will try to pull on you when upselling you to pipe relining. It’s a must-read and completely free. 
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    We are a Sydney based family owned business and literally have plumbing running through our veins. Between company owners Chris and Darrell we have a combined 42 years of clearing blocked drains Sydney and CCTV camera inspections on sewer and stormwater pipelines. So you can ensure your drains are in good hands and there is almost no type of blocked drain we have not fixed! As blocked drain plumbers we are clearing several sewer and stormwater drains every day, so we have the skills to fix the problem faster than a normal plumber who focuses on all aspects of plumbing. 

    Our Equipment…

    We only use top of the line equipment for fixing blocked toilets and pipe blockages. As we specialise in clearing blocked drains in Sydney we have had the opportunity to test many high pressure water jetters, water jetter root cutting nozzles, jetter hose sizes and know how to tweak the pressure to give the best results based on the problem within the drain. We have established revolutionary techniques to quickly clear tree root problems, collapsed pipe problems, silt problems, toilet paper problems etc.
    We know that every drain is different with its own unique problem, which is why we only use the best equipment available to fix that specific problem. We have a broad range of drain clearing tools so we are ready to eradicate any obstacle in our path to have your pipes flowing fast in no time.

    Our Guarantee…

    Our guarantee is pretty simple. If we can’t fix your blocked drain, you don’t pay!
    However, in the combined 42 years of clearing drains there has never been a drain Chris or Darrell haven’t been able to fix. Keep in mind, if a drain can be cleared after trying multiple tools in our arsenal, then the only option is to dig up and replace the pipes. Click below and get in touch with our professional team now.

    Most Frequent Questions

    Toilet, kitchen sink, shower, and other plumbing fixtures in the house are all connected to a drain. A blocked drain is a common problem that every household encounters from time to time that occurs when food waste, debris, dust, dirt, foreign objects, root intrusions, and other elements flushed down the drain start to form buildups and eventually clogged the drains. Obstructed and damaged drains can cause sewer pipes to overflow which can lead to potential health issues due to swarming bacteria and harmful substances in the waste. Blocked drain when not taken action right away can cause more damage to your plumbing system than expected. Water seeping out the sewer pipe into your gardens, overflowing sinks, toilet backing up, and shower not draining are visible signs that indicate a call to the plumbing expert is urgently needed.

    A blocked drain is a bummer. It can be expensive as well as time-consuming. Therefore, it’s always good not to remain clueless in what you need to look out for to better guard yourself against it. A blocked drain can be caused by grease and fats on food waste, soap scum, falling hair, foreign items, leaves, and other outdoor debris, and root intrusions. While numerous items can get lodged in your drain pipes, these are the common causes based on our experience. Generally, this means, anything that is not capable of breaking down into pieces can form a buildup and block your drain.

    Humans need regular medical check-ups and require a great ability to be vigilant in daily activities to ensure a healthy body. Same with the plumbing system; regular maintenance significantly contributes to a consistently working drain hence, it’s essential to be mindful of your daily activities that involve using your plumbing fixtures. It includes being cautious in what you flush down the drain, whether, in your shower, kitchen sink, or in your toilet – things that are not meant to reach the drainpipe must be dumped into the rubbish.

    The best way to keep yourself from having to deal with any plumbing issue is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Using a drain trap and food waste disposal is just one way to do it, but if you’re already faced with this trouble, you have no choice but to urgently take action yourself if it only requires a simple fix and will not cause more issues. If you despise doing messy stuff and you’re worried you might create more trouble down the line because you’re no pro, a call to Revolution Pipe Relining is just what all it takes to resolve the issue before it gets worse.

    Achieving a good result always boils down to the way an issue was dealt with. Oftentimes, people resort to a quick and easy fix, with or without knowledge that it can pose a consequential problem or severe damage to the sewer line. Chemicals need to sit on the toilet or down the line for an hour or more before it can finally break down any buildups. These chemicals are not just harmful to health, it also produces increased temperature as it goes through the process which can be to strong for your porcelain toilets and plastic pipes to withstand, causing your toilet to crack and your plastic pipes to soften and possibly create wrinkles. If you’re better off not dealing with this problem over and over your whole life, it’s best to leave to the experts. They know better, and they have the most suitable solution to any drain problem.

    No matter how at all cost, you refrained from flushing anything down the drain that can create plumbing problems within and outside your property, there are just specks of dirt, dust, debris, and other elements that can sneak into your drain that can result in a blocked drain over time if they pile up against a tree root blockage or broken pipe. Clearing these clogs is not that complicated if it’s visible, but if it has already made its way down the drains, then you’re doomed if you can’t get it cleared out.

    The fastest and most common way to clear a blocked drain is to call Prvolution Pipe Relining and have it properly cleared with a high pressure water jetter. If there is an existing tree root problem with the drain then this will be your best option.


    If you are more the DIY enthusiast, then you can try chemicals, plungers, plumber’s snake, and the always readily available in every household baking soda mixture poured down the drain can eliminate simple clogs. With great plunging skills and a durable plunger, you can effectively unclog your drain without having a splash on you. Plumber’s snake is another effective tool and it can be your best chance to clear blockages too stubborn for your plunger. Mixtures of baking soda and vinegar, or baking soda and lemon, poured with boiling water produce an effective result. The baking soda mixture and hot water treatment form an explosive foamy chemical reaction that will loosen up any clingy sludge that’s stubbornly clinging at the bottom of your drain. Chemicals, on the other hand, is the most favoured clog remover in the household because it offers a non-messy, fast and easy result.

    Now that you’re overloaded with a lot of handy information about a blocked drain, it’s best to have an idea on the next step you should undertake when the problem is too difficult for you to deal with yourself.  Although we are called Revolution Pipe Relining, we also specialise in Blocked Drains. Most pipe relining jobs come from a blocked drain problem, so we have a team dedicated to clearing drain day in, day out. We charge a fair price and do the job properly using a drain camera to check all the tree roots have been removed, most plumbing companies don’t use a camera and just hope for the best!

    The number 1 tip I can give you is if it sounds too good to be true then it is. If you see advertisements for blocked drain clearing for $49-$99, I can guarantee you will end up paying close to 10x these prices. To have you drain cleared properly the price should be in the range of $300-$400 for the first hour.

    Click this link “Pipe Relining Sydney Client Reviews” to see real feedback from some of our satisfied clients.

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