Facts About Pipe Relining Cost
- If you’d have to run some figures because you’re leaning towards getting your pipes in the house relined, then this blog will help you make a more sound decision. We’ve listed down a few important facts that will make you get to know more of the factors that make up for the cost and how pipe relining will be beneficial to you for decades.
Facts About Pipe Relining Cost
- The cost to reline your pipes is far more affordable when you add up all the costs you would have to pay to fix a blocked drain or leaking each time it occurs. When you consider the type of work a traditional pipe replacement method requires, you could also imagine the hefty amount you could save. The average cost of pipe relining can typically range from $3,000-$15,000, considerably a big fraction cheaper than traditional pipe repair which can run as high as roughly $25,000, if not more for a single job. Guess what? The large chunk accounts for the work required to locate the pipe, manual digging, etc. not to mention the extra cost you would be paying for additional workers and equipment.
- The relining cost covers product guarantee of 50 years, but if the pipe is always in shape, it is almost always certain that relined pipes can go beyond 50 years. It’s also worth-a-shot when you consider the fact that it will hold many years of stringent use against tree roots, corrosion, different ground conditions and several years of flushes. Since we have been pipe relining for many years, you’re lucky you’ll be getting 100% quality materials and Australian Watermarked approved. Not to mention the advantage of being able to sleep soundly knowing your pipe was fixed by professionals.
- Some companies include annual CCTV drain inspection at no cost to you at all, after the relining projects. At Revolution Pipe Relining, this is on us. We care for our customers so much that even after the work is done we will do an annual inspection to monitor our work. Other pipe relining solutions companies may also charge you separately for block clearing and drain inspection before they get things underway, but this is already included in our pipe relining cost.
What affects the cost?
- 1. Existing status and material of the pipe – What your pipe is made of such as its size, the type of pipe, as well as how bad the condition of your existing pipe influences how you will be priced for. that’s why plumbers recommend getting your pipes inspected regularly for potential issues that might turn into a major repair. If your pipe is currently full of tree roots and require many hours of work to clear, then this affects the total cost. To put it briefly, plumbing repair cost is no different to other types of repair in your home. The more complicated the work, the higher the chance that you’d have to pay more.
- 2. The length of the affected area and methods used – The length of the affected section of the pipe is also one of the factor that can make the relining cost a bit steep. That means a minor leak that is detected in time and fixed immediately can cost cheaper than relining a 10-meters long leakage. At the same time, fixing a longer pipe requires inversion. The liner and resin is inserted into the drain by means of an Inversion Drum. This is a high-grade piece of equipment that warrants the best possible end result. However, fixing only the worst affected spots can be done through patching. Each method has price differentiation. Inversion is priced per meter, while patching is per patch.
- 3. Materials used – There’s always an appropriate PVC for every pipe that needs to be relined. Just like there’s an appropriate tool for each plumbing problem. Therefore materials used in relining also make up for the cost, but overall, it’s a real bargain to only pay for just per meter but you get your pipes fixed for good. Companies that offer pipe relining services Sydney, like ourselves utilise materials such as Epoxy, Polyester, Silicate, Vinyl Ester, and Resin that fortifies pipes from the inside and make them 2x stronger than average PVC pipes. Bottom line is, you have nothing to lose when you get your pipes relined. The amount you pay can not outweigh the advantage that comes with relining.
- 4. Accessibility – While we take pride in doing our work without digging, sometimes we just have to do what we need to do especially if the pipe that needs work is difficult to access. We’re left without a choice but to dig a small hole to access the pipe and install the appropriate PVC and fittings. As this obviously requires additional time and material, this had a role in the overall cost.
Things to Keep in Mind
You may have a lot of things going on in your head right now which may make you hesitant to go for relining, but hopefully, we’ve already helped turn your decisions around with the things we’ve discussed above. Keep in mind that your decision today matters in the long run. That means, the longer you wait to fix your bad pipes the higher the chance that your pipe will ultimately collapse. Bet you know what this means for you! Paying through the nose for traditional pipe repair spells digging and trenching works in your property.
Still can’t make up your mind? Speak to us your trusted pipe relining company to learn more about the pipe relining cost Sydney you’ll need to pay for and what we need to do to get things started. Calling us is free as well as to inspect your pipes. So, what are you waiting for? Ring us now!